HC Whitetails Price List
South Texas Hunting 2024-25
South Texas Whitetail Hunts ​September 28 - February 2nd 2025
Whitetail bucks are priced based off the gross Boone and Crockett (B&C) scoring system. The final gross B&C score will be determined by your guide or ranch representative before departure. On occasion, a buck may be quoted at a set price on the 'hoof' (live), so the B&C score would become irrelevant in terms of price upon harvest. When quoting on the hoof, the price must be agreed upon between the guide and the hunter prior to harvesting the animal, making the sale final if harvested thereafter. All whitetail buck hunts are guided.
Whitetail Management B&C harvest fees
Youth Hunts - $2,300
120-129" B&C - $2,800
130-139" B&C - $3,600
140-149" B&C - $4,600
150-159" B&C - $5,600
Trophy Whitetail B&C harvest fees​
160-169" B&C - $6,600
170-179" B&C - $7,600
180-189" B&C - $8,600
190-199" B&C - $10,500
200-209" B&C - $12,500
210-219" B&C - $14,500
220" + B&C - Contact us
$500 per whitetail doe.​
Meat hunt special - $700 for 2 whitetail does. 4 openings left.
South Texas Dove Hunts September 14 - October 27 2025
$125/ daily Special White-winged Dove season - September 1-2 and September 6-8th
$100/daily per gun regular season. No half day rate.
Groups ranging from 4-50 hunters.
Catering available.
Self Guided.
Weekend Camp House Dove Package
The Camp House is $2,500 for up to 5 guest. $200 per additional guest. Only available in September and early October.
This package includes 3 days/2 night stay at the Camp House with unlimited dove hunting.
Perfect for groups up to 10 hunters.
Groups check in around 1:00PM Friday and depart Sunday at 10:00AM.
This house has a full kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 2 showers.
DirecTV in the living room.
BBQ pit
Rio Grande Turkey Hunts South Texas March 15 - May 11 2025
Self guided two day hunt (48 hours) - flat rate.
$950 for one turkey.
Additional turkeys are $850 each.
Lodging and meals are not included at this rate.
2 hunter minimum.
Hunters often see 20-50 turkey a day.
Quail Hunts
$600/day per gun. No half day rates.
Groups ranging from 2-10 guns.
Self guided.
Hog and Javelina hunts - 365 days a year
$400 per hog.
$1,000 for Trophy Boars with tusk 2" or more
Hogs are complimentary with Trophy Whitetail hunts.
$750 per Javelina
Guided and Self guided.
Exotic Hunts - 365 days a year
Blackbuck Antelope
Blackbuck bucks start at $4,000
$750 per Blackbuck doe
Axis buck under 28" $3,250
Axis buck 28-31" $4,250
Axis buck 32-35" $6,000
Axis buck 36"+ $8,500
Kill fee + guide fee for axis hunts.
Arabian Oryx
Lodging & meals are complimentary when you book a Trophy Whitetail Hunt.
$100/person per night for lodging.
$200/person per night for lodging and meals.
The lodging rates above apply to all non-hunting guest.
Guest stay at The Camp House and at the Head Quarters
The Camp House is a 3 bedroom 2 bath that sleeps 10 comfortably.
The Headquarters has 3 guest rooms with 2 bathroom. It sleeps 5 comfortably and up to 8.
Payments and Deposits
$2,500 for Trophy Whitetail hunts and Exotic hunts.
$1,000 for Management Whitetail.
50% deposit for all other hunts.
$300 daily guide fee for all exotic hunts.
$200/day for additional guest over the age of 12.
Deposits will be applied to your final bill and secure your hunting dates.
Deposits are required within 10 days of booking the hunt and are nonrefundable.
We accept cash, check and credit cards.
Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discovery credit/debit cards are accepted with a 4% surcharge.
100% of your bill is due upon departure.
A valid Texas Hunting License and Hunters Safety Certification (only required if born after September 1, 1971) are required by state law. We strictly follow all Texas Parks and Wildlife laws and regulations and require all guests to do the same. Below is a link to buy a Texas hunting license: https://tpwd.texas.gov/business/licenses/online_sales/index.phtml
We strive for customer satisfaction. Thank you for your interest in the ranch. Feel free to contact us to book a hunt today!